.: Welcome to Unreal Zark Alliance :. |
.: Welcome :. Welcome to the Unreal Zark Alliance Home Page. Be sure to stop by our forums and let us know who you are as we are always interested in chatting with all the players that visit our servers. Also, please tell us what you think about our servers and website. .: TeamSpeak :. Feel free to join us on our TeamSpeak 3 server for a little Voice over IP chit chat. There is no password for this server. We usually have about 8 - 12 players participating and it makes for some good fun. Connection info is located in the right hand column. .: Recruiting :. {uZa} is an "invite only" clan. Join our servers and forums and get to know us and let us get to know you. Invites happen when we know each other and enjoy gaming and hanging out together. .: Donations :. If you enjoy our servers enough to help support the cause and keep us moving forward as new games come out, please click the donations link and make a donation. No amount is too small and all of it will go DIRECTLY into maintaining servers, etc. For more information or to donate, please click the button below: |
.: {uZa} Forums :. http://uzaclan.com/forum .: Servers and TeamSpeak :. Live Status of {uZa} Servers! {uZa}ExtremeKC - Fast Action Location: Kansas City, Missouri IP: Port: 28960 or Call of Duty 2 {uZa}ExtremeTX - Fast Action Location: Dallas, Texas IP: Port: 28960 {uZa}Extreme - Fast Action Stats {uZa}Modern Weapons Location: Kansas City, Missouri IP: Port: 28961 {uZa}Modern Weapons Stats {uZa}All Custom Maps - Server 1 Location: Kansas City, Missouri IP: Port: 28971 {uZa}All Custom Maps - Server 1 Stats {uZa}Bot Warfare Location: Kansas City, Missouri IP: Port: 28970 {uZa}Bot Warfare Stats {uZa}CTF with Vehicles Location: Kansas City, Missouri IP: Port: 28980 {uZa}CTF with Vehicles Stats UO All Out War {uZa} Location: Kansas City, Missouri IP: Port: 28950 {uZa} TeamSpeak Server Hostname: ts.uzaclan.com Password: none required If you need the TeamSpeak 3 Client http://teamspeak.com .: Contact Information :. Email: Lonesome.Eagle@gmail.com Forums: http://uzaclan.com/forum .: Links to Friends :. Grumpy Old Bastards {GBI} Ghetto Ballers Inc. -v- for Victory Donate to Stop Cancer! |